jennybearlv Member


  • I recently bought ham and was surprised how lean it was.
  • Yeah. This is why I stay far away from anything advertised as diet food. I don't know exactly which ingredients give me issues, and I have no interest in experimenting to find out. I'll just keep eating a little less of the food I've always eaten.
  • I was just about to mention this. They are just convection ovens. A convection toaster oven also makes toast, garlic bread, and melts cheese. Honesty, I couldn't tell the difference between using the convection fan or not. I got rid of mine when I moved and just use my range. No convection, but it's gas so probably cheaper…
  • I see rest days as a rest from a certain activity. Like when I'm in workout mode I run and lift on alternating days, so I do feel rested and recovered from each activity. I don't think light activities like walking or yoga even need rest days. They just aren't that strenuous.
  • I love cooking. The restaurants in my city aren't very good, I grew up in Vegas and got spoiled, so cooking is the only way I get a decent meal. It saves loads of money as well and I love being frugal about as much as I love food.
  • I'm confused. How do you know the exact ingredients and their quantities in this omelet? Do you work there and prepare the omelets yourself?
  • MFP has attitude and little tact, but you really can learn quite a bit from these boards. Don't take the woo's to heart. We have all said something we thought to be true and been wooed. If you look it up or ask about why you have been wooed you may learn something new that can help you with your health goals.
  • If you want to add fat to your coffee try heavy cream or half and half. I have no idea where these ideas like butter or coconut oil in coffee came from. That does not sound tasty to me, and is not in any way more healthy. It's all mostly saturated fat.
  • How often are you looking to weigh? If rarely you could just weigh in when you get a check up at the doctors. You could also get a tape measure and check your measurements once a month. No use measuring daily, since you won't see any difference, so maybe less potential to become obsessive.
  • I'm a low budget trophy wife.
  • Brown rice has more fiber and vitamins than white rice, so there is some benefit if you don't mind the texture and extra cooking time. Eating white rice is fine for your health and weight loss though, so no need to give it up completely. It is always easier to stick with a diet when you can eat the foods you love and can…
  • I'm still waiting for snow in the Sierra. There are storms forecasted this week so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I can't wait to finally try it!
  • Are there any used bike shops in your area? I got my first mountain bike used from a co op, and I'm glad I did, because it turns out mountain biking is terrifying and I rarely take my bike out.
  • This formula may help: [total calories consumed+(total lbs lostx3500)]/days=TDEE I'm an MFP outlier myself, so it is helpful to figure out what my TDEE really is since MFP/Garmin try to give me a tiny amount of food which just causes me to lose even more rapidly. Turns out I need to set MFP to lose a full half pound less…
  • It took me years to put on the weight, so I figure it will take me years to lose it. Makes sense to me. I find it way easier to break things down into 5% mini goals. Before I knew it months had passed and I'd lost 25% of my starting weight. I'm currently working on getting to 202 because 140 is kind of a crazy far number.…
  • MFP needs a personals section. Reading your title made me laugh about what an awkward sounding dating profile that would be, "Looking for a lady with a passion for maintaining her weight." Fitness and nutrition passion is definitely a thing. She's out there, but yes, most people just want to eat fast food, watch TV, and…
  • I must have read Brave New World five times. Love that book. My 9th grade English teacher didn't like Animal Farm, so I've never read it. Thanks for reminding me to put that on my reading list.
  • My go to haven't lifted in awhile program is Stronglifts. Super simple, but other than my quads, it hasn't done much for my lower body. I was thinking of subbing hip thrust for squat on one day. I could add in some accessories from SC on the end of that. I guess I just wish there was a less complicated version of Strong…
  • So do a beginner program to get back where I was, then see where I am? That sounds like a good plan.
  • I have been lifting on and off for four years. I did Stronglifts then the beginner Strong Curves program from September 2016 to September 2017, then stopped lifting. Should I start back up with a beginner or intermediate program?
  • I didn't see any changes to my glutes until I added weighted hip thrusts. Glute bridges will work too. I highly recommend Strong Curves. I saw a huge amount of perkiness and even had to adjust the seat in my truck after running the beginner program.
  • If you have tried adding more weight to the bar and it just isn't happening get smaller plates. I have a set that weighs between a quarter pound and one pound. I can only manage increasing one to two pounds at a time in overhead press, but it's still progress. You might want to try a program with different sets and reps.…
  • I weigh once a day first thing in the morning and track my weight in Trendweight. Since I'm looking at overall trends, day to day weights are interesting, but don't mean much to me.
  • I weigh daily first thing in the morning and track in Trendweight. I start seeing lower numbers on the scale within a few days, and after about a week in Trendweight.
  • Buy a refrigerator thermometer and make sure it's staying below 40F. My produce keeps for a week or longer once I got the temperature right. Keeping veggies in sealed bags keeps them from drying out and going floppy. If you don't shop often buy more frozen produce. You could also try growing your own.
  • Costco espresso roast, freshly ground, brewed in a moka pot, with half and half.
  • I'm sorry you've been in such an unfair relationship. Sounds like my dad and stepmom. I'm nice enough to do everything at home in exchange for my zero monetary contribution. It's funny that my husband's coworkers think I'm lazy because I don't work, while my neighbors think he is lazy because I'm always the one shoveling…
  • Life's not fair and partnerships are never equal. Most women still do the majority of housework and caring for children and the elderly while earning less than men at work. If you want to split all chores and financial responsibilities 50/50, good for you. But, when did saving money become a bad idea?