Im a sweet tooth so I take lots of fruits like berries, mangos and green apple. I even eat dates (the sweetness reminds me of caramels)
Very bad habit of mine is that I will fall back into bad eating patterns and somehow have this poisonous thinking that 'If i lost weight once I can do it again' so I would go on eating bad and then give up totally. I need to remind myself that losing weight wasnt as easy when I was in my early 20s as it is now.
The beauty about this journey is that you can always start again. With more healthy eating options, excerise and support channels out there, Im sure you can do it. If you wanted it that bad once you can want it that bad again. All the best and add me of you want!
Hey there Im new here and so far am loving all the support I get and find here! Feel free to add me!! ❤
I go though that cycle too! Sometimes I become so depressed that I shut myself from people because I feel ashamed. Im glad that you are doing well. Im trying to be mindful on my feelings and what I eat and if ever you need support just reach out and I'll be happy to help however I can ☺
I know exactly how you feel. Worse part is when the people around you dont take you seriously. Just know I deal with it too and am more than happy to support and lend a listening ear when needed ☺
I knew I had to start the journey again when I was on my ex's bike and it started to rain. We went back to his house and he had no clothes to lend me cause nothing fit. He had to take out his old 'fat clothes' (he lost weight years back before meeting me) and a belt saying it would be too lose on me. In fact it was tight…
Good luck on your journey!! My support goes out to you. There will be bumps in the road but know you can always come here for positive vibes and advice <3 Add me if you like. Im new here but believe in helping others to the best of my abilities.
Thank you all for the advice and tips. Ive never reached out for help and having this helps loads too :)
Thanks danhib. Nice to have a friend to ask for advice around here :)
Hi all!! Im new to the community but not the journey..haha. Would love to get motivation and positive vibes from new friends and also give back positive vibes to all. <3
Thanks for the add! :) Still learning to navigate ard here..haha
I 100% get what you are going through. What is working for me at the moment is writing in a journal when I dont feel motivated or just plain lazy. I let all my negative thoughts and frustration out (be it about the journey or about myself). I usually will read it again by the end of the day or the next morning and realise…