stewa287 Member


  • Definitely been there! Went to school for a lot of years, but now, I work like a dog and have a daughter who is getting to the age of wanting to do EVERY activity. Keep your eyes on the prize. It doesn't matter if your goal is losing weight or just maintaining a healthy lifestyle, remember that a healthy body fuels a…
    in Struggling. Comment by stewa287 May 2017
  • Totally understand the feeling! My choices weren't the greatest today either (pizza and in n out burger). The great news is that tomorrow is a new day :) Keep your head up. It's a journey, and we are all here for you.
  • I'm right there with ya! Keep on pushing! It's all worth it in the end. You've got this :)
  • Thanks, loves! We are in this together. Let's keep it positive :)
  • Yes sir, it is! Hope your day was fabulous!
  • I absolutely will. For me, it would just be for calming stresses that catch me.
  • Of course. Is there anything in particular I can offer up a prayer for you for today?