doctorwhogirl Member


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  • Thanks! :) I'm 2.5 years around goal weight now. I lost 21pounds myself and the rest with WW. Have really moved from WW now in maintaining as I was really struggling and I am counting cals and lifting weights more :) Eating more than I ever had too which is nice! Few more pound till I'm happy though!
  • Start weight: 224 Current Weight: 143 (trying to get back down to 140) Ultimate goal: around 135
  • That's great to know, thanks. Did you go to 1800 cals from a low number? How did that work out for you?
  • It's so hard to know what to do when you stall. I've lost over 80pounds in total but just want to get down to my goal weight loss even though I'm fairly happy clothes wise at this weight! Also, I spent years low cal so upping cals is hard psychologically for me because the gain, even temporary, are tough to take!
  • Thanks guys! Workouts are pretty intense as it stands, five days a week so dunno how much more I could do there? Keep the advice coming!!!!
  • I log my week that's coming and then base my shopping list from it!!!! I think it's brilliant for staying on plan and also for saving money on food shopping as I don't buy unnecessary items!
  • I would agree with a lot of what's being said here. Firstly, the type of carbs you are taking in are coming from a lot of processed foods and refined carbohydrates. When you can, go for the wholegrain option which I see you have done occasionally with things like pasta. Treats/Snack wise, the stuff like cereal bars etc...,…
  • Anybody? I know this thread comes up time and time again but this is seriously messing with my head! It's soul destroying like! I don't want all my hard work of 6 stone lost to just fade away because I can't pinpoint why I'm gaining. :( I wouldn't mind if I was going out for meals, having big treats. I'm seriously trying!
  • I suppose it could be hormonal. But it's so disheartening!!!! I've 7 days before left of my pill so perhaps it's that? (Pill hasn't contributed to weight gain in the past, lost the 6 stone on the pill.) With regards measuring I measure everything on my scales and am fairly strict. This is one of those days where I feel…
  • You may think you have gains when you eat above 1200 but that is physiologically impossible unless you have some sort of hormonal disorder or a disorder of the thyroid. (or you're WAY underestimating the amount you are eating!) You need to give your body time to adjust to a higher calorie level and then you will start…
  • Oat bran with skimmed milk and a bit of sweetener and cinnamon. Much better than porridge in terms of protein and fibre content. And I prefer the taste too!
  • Oatbran! It's higher in protein and in fibre to leave you fuller for longer. I have mine with some natural sweetener, skimmed milk and cinnamon. Bang in the microwave for about 2 mins and YUM!
  • Thanks you so much for all the lovely comments! I think the biggest thing for me now, even more so than when I started was not how I looked in the dress, but my health. (The new dresses are just a big bonus!!!) :P And believe me, I know it's a cliché but if I can do it, anyone can. RIDICULOUSLY bad diet- secret eating,…
  • Sorry links weren't showing there! Fixed!
  • Just for the record, initially this made me laugh! Briefly. But, I stated in my initial post that I knew this was pretty impossible to gauge but I was curious. I've been undereating for a long time so am not used to fuelling my body properly after a workout. And yes. I did eat a truck load of protein afterwards if that…
  • Amazing support, thanks so much! Great to hear it from people who have been through it. I'm taking the slow and steady; eating 1450 this week but going to keep trying! It's my birthday this week so I'm sur a few cals will come from cake!!!!!! :D
  • Thanks so much for the advice! I think when I hear it from someone who has "been there, done that" it's easier to know that it will be ok! Will try 1500 this week and see how I go! I'm going to be eating a LOT of almonds!!!!!!!!!! ;)
  • Cottage cheese (lovely onion and chive one from Aldi) Quark Almonds 74% dark chocolate Natural yoghurt greek yoghurt quinoa Courgette butternut squash Salmon- fillets and smoked