bagge72 Member


  • I don't think you focusing you exercise calories is the problem at all. If you aren't eating those calories back it doesn't matter. You are eating less than what MFP gives you as calories so you should be losing weight. If you aren't you are eating more than you think you are.
  • I feel sad when I see these, because I'm pretty sure it's just a way for them to advertise, that's why it's usually someone's first post, and they never come back, and a bunch of other people who are taking it chime in with their first post too.
  • Ah yes, one of those fake diets that makes you lose a bunch of water weight to fool you into thinking it's a solution, but never is sustainable for really anyone. Ever noticed all fad diets start with you cutting something out at first? Usually some sort of carb?
  • And the this is why we always fail! We are more willing to eat magic seeds, and drink a magic drink instead of eat less food.
  • But you said this in your op "Ive read about how good it is to drink 3-4 cups of green tea a day for weight loss." You don't have to back track, people aren't being aggressive, they are just annoyed with somebody changing their story once they got the accurate advice.
  • People can use any diet they want with MFP, it's just a way to track their input and out puts.
  • You do realize that by changing your diet you are eating less calories than you burn right? I mean if you ate more of the food you are eating now in your diet you won't lose weight.
  • Green Tea is a drink not a diet. You are losing weight because you are dropping water weight, and eating very low calorie, has nothing to do with the drink.
  • Yes having an apple every three days will cause massive weight gain! Also believing that having an apple every 3 days is proof positive of how the dieting industry has screwed up our minds.
  • and stay hydrated.
  • Also, you are thinking about this way to much, and you don't seem like somebody who can actually handle weighing yourself so often. Some people can, but most people it's not good for their mental stability in this journey. If you think you can handle and understand how the body fluctuates everyday, weigh yourself every…
  • If you don't eat, or drink anything, or use the bathroom then no your weight really shouldn't change too much. You can lose water from sweating, and breathing, but that shouldn't be too much in a short period of time unless you are working out or an excessive sweater. The problem with people and scales is that they don't…
  • Where were you 11 months ago to save the day!
  • Of course you can, you don't have to be chubby or fat to be body positive to somebody. I'm guessing that people find many shapes and sizes body positive.
  • I mean honestly it sounds like you lost a lot of weight quickly, which was mostly water weight, and now your body weight is just catching up. Just stay the course, and if it keeps happening start with making sure your diary is accurate by logging everything you eat, and weighing all solids, and measuring all liquids.
  • I just can't, I've tried a couple of flavors, and the texture and taste just aren't worth it. I feel like it's one of those things, where a couple of really healthy people talked about how awesome it is, and it's become this new trend for people to say how much they love it. It does not come even close to the taste of real…
  • You're also eating a lot of high sodium foods, and your logging looks like it is way off, a lot of under estimated food with generic labels in there.
  • But my coke has sugar and sodium in it. Are we saying sugar and sodium aren't needed at all for a diet, and provide no nutritional value?
  • But but, you said all of this wonderful stuff, and mentioned cake. It's ok, you got caught. "I personally gave them up no reason just to see what happens to my body and I literally just started loosing my love handles. No other change to my diet. This was the first time in my life they shrank" and this "I gave up sugars,…
  • In the end It's 100% diet. Exercise just adds to the amount of calories you burn in a day, but what you eat is going to decide what the deficit is. If you burn more and eat more, you're in the same boat.
  • You can do this, but don't change anything else about your day. It seems a lot of people, will cut out diet soda and lots of other things at the same time, and for some reason correlate it with the 0 calorie piece they cut out, not everything else.
  • What crap is it full of? if it can trigger the body to create insulin and go into fat storage mode (which is just the biggest nonsense in the world, just think about that statement please) why is it ok for diabetics to have? Wouldn't they have some serious problems? Also with that logic you have there, wouldn't having an…
  • Coke Zero? I mean they are both calorie free drinks. Pepsi Max isn't what's slowing your weight loss down and you'll be better of once you realize that. We don't always have to find things to blame our weight loss on, sometimes it's just us.
  • I'm sorry, I'm just not sure why anyone would ever need support from their coworkers. It's not something you would ever need to tell them. If they try to share food with you, just so no thank you, I'm not hungry, and when they ask you if you are on a diet, just say no. Or if you were me, say "do you think I'm fat?"
  • This post makes me want to cry. 1. if you only having 200 calories of cake blows your whole day, you are under eating. 2. I need like more than 200 calories worth of cake if I'm going to eat it! 3. Your mind set is totally off if this actually threw you off for the day. The whole point of losing weight sustainably is to…
  • Doubly good news is that if someone where to eat you, they would die of starvation, since you are zero calories, those pears are *kitten* though.