paralegalnc Member


  • I drink them as my diet per my doctor. I drink one in the morning, one at lunch. I get two cups of silk almond (yummy) plus I can't tolorate milk... and I use muscletech (sams $18 for 5#) and with 2 scoops is 42 g of protein. I have to have 120 grams of protein per day because I am insulin resistent. so not really pricey.…
  • yeah don't do it pre-kid. They sewed my ab muscles back together from being stretched and torn from pregnancy. If you get pregnant would have just wasted money
  • Also....I had mine at a teaching hospital. We have one here and I went to the Resident Clinic. My surgeons were 6th year residents supervised by an attending physician. The surgeon is now with one of the best plastic surgery clinics in NC... I did a mini tummy tuck w/lipo... lipo on my hips and inner thighs (dont do this)…
  • I had a mini tummy tuck in 2009. Mainly to get the "pouch" off. I didn't lose weight with it... and I didnt go down in pants size. I was disappointed but my surgeon made a good point. He said "we didn't move your hip bones" but my pants and panties were fitting better. I no longer have the stretch marks on my belly and…
  • Amazing! I don't know where you are at...but here in NC... check out Baptist Hospitals Resident Plastic Surgery clinic. They do cosmetic surgery/reconstructive surgery...for about half the usual cost ...because they are 6th year residents. The doctor that did my mini tummy now partners with one of the best…
  • Concord North Carolina:tongue: