

  • Hi Wimomma! Sounds like you are doing great! You said you have plateaued recently...I have a number of questions for you. What are you are doing for exercise? how often? do you do the same thing all the time or do you do a variety of exercises? Also, are you eating all of your calories? Are you taking measurements and if…
  • I just watched the whole thing. If only I could get my husband to watch it! He truly believes that because he doesn't see himself as fat that he is okay. It really does matter "WHAT" you put into your body and weight is only one indicator of an unhealthy body.
  • Hey ChanteBien... I just wanted to send some encouragement your way. When I started doing this a few months I found that it really does come down to numbers. Consuming less than you burn. Sounds like you've done this before. A couple of months ago, my mother was so discouraged with her weight that she had given up. I…
  • Did someone start a new thread or are you using this one???? I would love to be a part!!
  • Yeah...we are just looking forward to me finding a good job and we aren't going anywhere until then. This one toilet situation with the 5 of us is just soooo hard. It's funny though because I am constantly reminding myself of how good we have it compared to many years ago and I did they do it?
  • you highjack DSL or Cable internet service too?...LOL
  • Wow...raise the gas tax! Yeah, our economy is ripe for that...LOL I wish he was there to see how often my children hear "NO! You can't have that." What is killing us is that we really want to move and we would need to pay double what we pay now for our mortgage. And we RENT now...we can't even find a rental for less than…
  • Do you have a good friend that would be willing to go in with you on stuff from say, Costco or Sam's Club or something? You can buy a larger variety and split it up. I have done that in the past and it is a great way to get a variety.
  • You are correct. It is generalization. I wasn't trying to put everyone in the same category. But, I do find that people who are alot better off than me complaining...on a regular basis. I just lost my job a couple of weeks ago and my husband and I are living from paycheck to paycheck and he is doing side work to make up…
  • American's are spoiled and they'd rather give up on their health before they turn off the cable or operate on one car unless absolutely necessary or cut out all text messaging packages on their cell phones or worse...their kids cell phones.
  • I don't think that we are really talking about the people on food stamps. I don't think we are anyway.
  • Oh hate here!! I think that you are correct. People can do it. It's a lifestyle change...a "repentance" if you will. A changing of one's thinking. Not so much that it's not really more expensive, because it is...more like, how can I accomplish this goal. It's work and I think that the work involved is what is so…
  • I see your point. But I am still talking about the fresh foods as well. I eat very healthy and I have to really work hard to do it. If you read my other posts you'll see that I shop at 5 different stores sometimes just to get the good stuff on sale. Everybody is not in a position to do that. Now I think I have it harder…
  • Can I ask a harmless question? Just curious if you are single and only buying for yourself?? Let me just say after asking that question that, I agree you are not completely wrong.
  • I think the problem is that people are trying to defend the fact that it is "not" more expensive. It absolutely IS generally speaking. I couldn't do what I do on a tighter budget or say if we didn't have a car or...if we only had one car!! It would be totally impractical for me to do what I do!
  • I really think that it depends on your lifestyle. Meaning how busy you are, how much income you have and, of course, how many people you are trying to feed. No doubt, if you are only responsible for you and maybe one other person, it's not really more expensive. And if you have the flexiblity of being able to really shop…
  • Okay, I did it!! I went out and bought Waist Watchers Orange Soda and a box of Pillsbury White Cake Mix. I did NOT use egg whites. I mixed the cake mix and the soda together for a minute or so with a wisk, put it into a 9x13 pan (sprayed with pam), baked it at 350 for 30 minutes and it came out absolutely perfecto! I have…
  • I haven't checked back into this topic for a couple of days. I can't wait to go to the store and get the things I need to try these. Thanks so much for the info.!!!! Created by - Free Food Diary
  • What size cream 12 oz. can??? What a simple recipe. I really hope I like it because I am a serious chocoholic. Created by - Free Food Diary