ablissabby Member


  • 1. DA BEARS 1a. Saints Baby!!
  • Hi! So funny - I'm making the same decision tonight. I've been leaning towards the SIII, but I really like the idea of Siri. Do you know of any links where I can read more about voice feature on the Galaxy?
  • I actually love the high-impact Champion sports bras from Target, and I'm pretty picky!! I run and do Insanity and Turbo Fire workouts with lots of jumping, but I've found that they really hold tight and look nice too! I'll definitely be following this thread so I can get suggestions from others though...
  • You'll love it! I started Week 12 today and it's the most fun I've ever had working out!
  • I say not worth it -- If you're anything like me. I definitely overeat x 10 and hurt my progress more than I could ever imagine. Stay focused!!!
  • Look at you!! Congratulations!!!
  • hi there! I've requested to be your MFP friend. I don't know what I'd do without the support I get on this site!
  • I log every day too -- I rely so much on this site!
  • LOVE TurboFire! I'm on Week 10 and I'm excited to start the Advanced Workouts. It's easily the most fun I've had sweating this much! :-)
  • I'm 5'6"ish - I usually average about 80 calories for each 10 minutes that I do a Turbo Fire workout, which is pretty frustrating because I work as hard as I can. My dr said that this is because I have a really low resting heart rate and the rest of my numbers are really healthy, so I should be happy :). Maybe you're in…
  • Turbo Fire is SO much fun - - I'm starting Week 9 tomorrow and I love it! Good luck and have a great time!
  • The best thing I did was follow Chalene's advice -- weight loss is 80% food/20% exercise. After completing Insanity with no weight loss (UGH!!), I re-evaluated what I wanted. I've been staying under my calories, I'm on Week 8 and I've lost 10 pounds (now I'm 137) and 10 inches. Oh well, at least for two months while on…
  • I'm jealous -- I wish I had that "need more calories" problem! :) My recipe every morning is: 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology 2 cups unsweetened vanilla (or plain) almond milk 1 tbsp vanilla extract ice So I definitely use the same amount of almond milk as you do. Let me know how you like the vanilla extract added!
  • I use 1 tbsp for each scoop; it got a little expensive just buying it at the grocery store, so buying at Sam's Club was the best decision. It takes 3 months for my vanilla extract to "cook", so I'll be buying in bulk for awhile. Good luck! I use unsweetened almond milk too -- it makes it super creamy!
  • Hey there! I was one of the few weird ones who could not stand the taste of Chocolate Shakeology ... until I added Vanilla Extract and instantly it was the most amazing thing I've ever had to drink. I either buy Vanilla Extract at Sam's (waaaaay less expensive) or make it myself. I literally look forward to it every…
  • So I had a couple of glasses of wine on Saturday evening, and after two whole hours I was falling over during Stretch 40! I may be a semi-lightweight, but I think officers should definitely use that workout as part of the field sobriety tests hahahha!
  • I love seeing other people's progress- it keeps me motivated! Add me!
  • I've seen so much progress with Turbo Fire - I weighed/measured today and I've lost 7 pounds and 5.2 inches only after two weeks!! Turbo Fire definitely has my support - It might be possible that I can blast through my plateau! Feel free to add me as a friend. I get so much support from reading posts about others going…
  • That's incredible - I was just thinking the exact same thing this morning when I was drinking my shakeology -- I don't need anything sweet for the rest of the day, which is super weird for me :)
  • Fire 45 EASILY! I just did this one for the first time this morning and it's definitely the most fun - and that's saying a lot! Have a great weekend!
  • Thank you so much! I'll definitely take your suggestions... I'm not ready to give up yet!