ElizabethRPh Member


  • Wow! 75 lbs! Great job! Friend me, I'd love to stay in touch. I'm older and don't have much to lose but it's soo much harder when you are mature and close to your goal. I measure every 10th of a pound as a victory. I am looking for people who are wanting to be really active on the site to keep me honed in. Oh, btw, Welcome!
  • I've heard so much about this but I work 12 hr days. I don't think I would have enough strength to do anything on those days. Would it be worth it?
  • thanks everyone! The surgery was for a bad bunion so yes, the gait is off to start with and then I had the surgery... I never thought about the socks, good idea! I have them as I stand all day at work. I'm going to try that. I do have running shoes, sorry about the misguidance there with the terms. I had a PT pick them out…
  • I just purchased one from CVS. It seems to be monitoring everything else just fine but the calories on it read "64" after I ran 2 miles in under 30 min!? Are they measuring just fat cals?
  • I just purchased one from CVS. It seems to be monitoring everything else just fine but the calories on it read "64" after I ran 2 miles in under 30 min!? Are they measuring just fat cals?
  • OMG! I love you guys!! I save up for my glass or 2 of wine at night! I see so many open diaries and I keep thinking I would never let anyone see that I save up or exercise more so I can have my wine at night! Hahahaha! I know it has no nutritional value and I realize it's not doing me any good...well from that perspective…
  • I don't know what your height is but I am in EXACTLY the same place, weight and all. I started at 126 (ouch!) and long desperately to be 110-112 again. My fat jeans are size #1 but my zeros call out to me. We are traveling to Europe in 4 weeks and if I don't drop enough to get into my nice clothes I will have to buy…
  • I'm pretty new too. I've lost almost 2 pounds in the 5 days I've been working with this. I am very pleased with that! I am not using my exercise calories either. This is not putting me into starvation mode! I only have 1200 cal to work with and my workouts are at least 400. We are leaving for Rome in 5 weeks so I really…
  • This site is so much fun and so very helpful! This is the place to be! I am 50+ also and its so hard at this age to loose weight alone! This is the solution. Keep up the good work and stay plugged in!
  • Just so you know the answer... I began submitting another recipe and this time I read the fine print! They are gathering recipes for sharing when enough are submitted. LOL! Leave it to me to figure it out AFTER I post the stupid question!
  • I am also 5'2", there seems to be many of us! I just checked the BMI calculator on this site and it tells me where I am and I'm not happy here even though I'm in the health range. I agree with Robin, get where you are happy. I am also 50yrs old and I don't want to look like it. I am in a size 1/2 but before foot surgery…