miss_boof Member


  • you're a stale ham sandwich of a person.
  • This goes against everything I know as a uncultured swine of an American.... Autumn starts in October... I feel like I know nothing... How... how is it Autumn in February? It seems so wrong...
  • If you joined into a game of d&d, you would be the guy who decides that he is a lawful good paladin. You would be overtly dedicated to the loftiest ideas of justice honor and virtue. Our party would end up wandering in the woods, lost, with no recourse to find the cave we were sent to locate. We are slowly starving and…
  • I, 100%, ran over a friend with my car by accident when we were teenagers. My car was full, she was in the backseat with 2 other people, we were in a parking lot driving by people, and the guy in the middle jokingly opened the door and pushed her out. People started yelling, inside and outside the car, and I hit the gas…
  • I ate 5 chocolate peanut butter granola bars yesterday.... like one right after the other. Don't beat yourself up; acknowledge it and learn from it. Congrats to you for not hiding and pretending it never happened that takes a lot of spunk. You got this, 70 pounds is AMAZING, you basically lost an 8 year old. CONGRATS!