Polyanna1 Member


  • I haven't done one of these before but here goes for May! Name:Margaret Age: 60 Height: 5'5" Start Weight (1st May): 164 Goal Weight (1st June): 156 1st May: 8th May: 15th May: 22nd May: 29th May: 1st June: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week:
  • My SW: 166 GW: 144 START Date: 15th Dec 2014 DAY: 1---166 DAY: 10 - 163 DAY: 20 - 162 Glad Christmas and new year are both out of the way now to lose weight!
  • Hi there, I'm 59 coming up 60 in a few weeks with 2 stone to lose, so I guess I qualify! I have battled with my weight problem all my life, I have suffered with an underactive thyroid for over 20 years, which I now have been told is overactive, which means yet another adjustment in meds. I am also a runner which I took up…
  • I know it is only the 9th day but I weighed at my local slimming club today so I shall pretend it is the 10th day. Really pleased at my progress. Now ready for Christmas! My SW: 166 GW: 144 START Date: 15th Dec 2014 DAY: 1---166 DAY: 10 - 163
  • My SW: 164 GW: 144 START Date: 15th Dec 2014 DAY: 1 164 DAY: 10 DAY: 20 DAY: 30 DAY: 40 DAY: 50 DAY: 60 DAY: 70 DAY: 80 DAY: 90 DAY: 100 I have given myself a doable goal 2lbs every 10 days I struggle to lose weight with thyroid problems. I have already lost over 30lbs I am planning to get down to 133 eventually. I am a…
  • I used to be 40, a while ago!! Add me if you wish.