scarlett_k Member


  • Eating more fibre and exercising more is what my husband was told when his was a bit high on his last test.
  • I'm not convinced most of the database entries have accurate iron content, if they have it at all (it's an optional field). I just eat a varied balanced diet rich in iron where possible, take my ferrous fumarate (I have iron deficiency anemia without it, regardless of diet) and go off of my blood tests.
  • Literally anything apart from stevia. It's weird tasting. Definitely a personal thing though, I know people who get a bitter taste from aspartame. Must be genetic.
  • Thinking about food in terms of cheating and guilt can be very harmful and does nothing to foster a healthy relationship with food. Enjoy yourself!
  • Is it home cooked food and are you cooking it yourself? I make a lot of desi style Indian dishes and use the recipe builder to work out the calories and log them. I don't eat any special kind of diet food, I just make a portion to fit in to my daily calories.
  • What is it? I often notice database entries for branded foods with that tacked onto the name of the food. Which I find kind of annoying 😂
  • I get the impression it's the norm in the US but in the UK most use grams (or ounces if someone is older and resistant to change 😂) to weigh most solid things and only use teaspoons/tablespoons for small amounts of liquid (milliliters for larger amounts), or a small amount of salt or spices that a standard kitchen scale…
  • What do you have your goal set to? If you're set to maintenance or weight gain then it won't post a loss. You can also set it to not post it.
  • No. That's what the scale is for 🙃
  • As you say, plus OR minus. Law of big numbers. Over time it averages out. And if you only eat rice now and then, pfft who cares.
  • At this point (55kg down with ??? left to lose) I have my calories set to maintenance. Usually I will choose to have a small deficit but sometimes I'll eat close to maintenance. So yeah, sort of what you're saying except I don't really attribute that reasoning to it. I do it because it's working for me.
  • My legs and hips are the first place I put on significant weight and the anecdote is that the first place you tend to put it on will be the last place where you lose it (how true that is in general, I don't know). I've had to amend my initial goal (which was arbitrary tbh) as I still carry quite a lot of excess fat around…
  • Maybe once every three months, if that.
  • I'm not who you're replying to but this is my 2p: 5 years and 55kg into this, I can say I've always weighed rice cooked and if it's had any impact on my weight loss then it's not been noticeable. If I don't have to bother putting something on the scale twice in the process towards consuming it then that saves me effort.…
  • I usually add some seeds and fresh or dried fruit to my porridge. I make it with water as well, not a fan of it with milk. Nothing wrong with carbs 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • I don't pay much attention to mine but I eat a balanced diet and for the most part my weekly averages do more or less follow the default macros MFP suggests. I'm usually a bit over on fat but not by a great deal. I'm healthier than ever and over 50kg down. I don't really think of them as a limit, they're just a suggestion…
  • Did you binge eat prior to trying to lose weight? (I'm assuming that's your aim)
  • If texture is an issue maybe you could try using a food processor or stick blender, either before or after adding the ingredients. You'd have to figure out the best point to do it unless you want everything soupy. Although if you slow cook onions and peppers they become very soft and deliciously sweet anyway so maybe look…
  • I'll hazard a guess. It's a diuretic so it promotes water loss when you drink alcohol. Plus that's 900kcal worth of food (and associated salt which would influence water retention) not in your system. Have you tried eating your 2100 calories a day without drinking alcohol for 6 weeks? As presumably you would still lose as…
  • Oh yeah, it's hilarious to joke about addiction 🙄
  • I like sweet things and I don't see it as a problem. As the commenter above suggested, getting your sugar fix from things without added sugar is a great idea. I still eat stuff with added sugar, just a lot less than I used to.
  • I'll eat a whole gluten free pizza hut pizza maybe once every 3 months or something and not care if I go over. Otherwise no I just stick to my goals as much as possible and don't see the point in "cheating". Who am I cheating? Why is it necessary? I'm eating how I want to eat on a daily basis anyway.
  • I started running when I decided to quit smoking. It was a helpful motivation to keep going as I could feel my lungs getting better and being able to do better each time. I don't see why you couldn't try to lose weight and quit smoking at the same time but only you know your limits.
  • Are you diagnosed with this? If you are you should be discussing this with your doctor or nutritional specialist. If you're not, perhaps you should consult with a doctor or nutritional specialist.
  • I love recipe books (good ones anyway). Once a fortnight I will pick out enough recipes to last us for the next couple of weeks or so and write a shopping list based on what I don't already have in the cupboard. I don't think about it too heavily but there needs to be a balance between fresh foods and storable staples so I…
  • Mine is open, knock yourself out.
  • In addition to the questions above, have you tried changing the batteries on your scales?