pleasurelittletreasure Member


  • HAHA - mee tooooo!! I even dance while I'm cooking! Life is too short not to dance when the music is playing, even if you're washing dishes. ;)
  • LOL! Sometimes I catch myself in a mirror and I think, "WHAT THE H?!" It just crept up on me and now I'm battling my way back down. OP: Don't focus so much on the final weight you want to be at but on each small success. Seriously makes the journey an awesome and positive experience. Set yourself small goals of 5 or 10lbs…
  • Good. Now ALL the mens will be wanting all the womens to be getting back tattoos. Perhaps front tattoos for good measure.
  • I ride my stationary bike at 10mph barefoot and no chain/spoke worries. That's one option.
  • BTW: I had no idea I would ENJOY THIS SO MUCH!!!
  • Missed out on the first 2 days, but... 9/3 - 40 min stationary bike 9/4 - 55 min stationary bike 9/5 - 60 min stationary bike 9/6 - 'rest' day cleaning house 9/7 - 70 min stationary bike, 180 min walking 9/8 - rest day 9/9 - 45 min stationary bike 9/10 - Migraine all day long. Hmmphh. 9/11 - 60 min stationary bike 9/12 -…
  • TEA!! Hot or cold - I love it! If you don't have enough ideas coming at you already, mine (at this point in time) are Market Spice Tea from Seattle - seriously good stuff hot or cold - and Lipton (yep) green tea superfruit acai dragonfruit melon flavor as an iced tea. So good I go through a jug a day. Also, The Republic of…
  • This is EXACTLY what I was thinking of! YES!
  • When I had a similar injury years ago, I wish someone had told me then to go to a podiatrist. So that is my advice to you. I still have issues when I have walked quite a bit or stood for a long time and only ice will help it. Had I gotten it treated at the time and known what to do to heal the injury properly, I wouldn't…
  • Missed out on the first 2 days, but... 9/3 - 40 min stationary bike 9/4 - 55 min stationary bike 9/5 - 60 min stationary bike 9/6 - 'rest' day cleaning house 9/7 - 70 min stationary bike, 180 min walking 9/8 - rest day 9/9 - 45 min stationary bike 9/10 - Migraine all day long. Hmmphh. 9/11 - 60 min stationary bike 9/12 -…
  • Missed out on the first 2 days, but... 9/3 - 40 min stationary bike 9/4 - 55 min stationary bike 9/5 - 60 min stationary bike 9/6 - 'rest' day cleaning house 9/7 - 70 min stationary bike, 180 min walking 9/8 - rest day 9/9 - 45 min stationary bike 9/10 - Migraine all day long. Hmmphh. 9/11 - 60 min stationary bike 9/12 -…
  • Missed out on the first 2 days, but... 9/3 - 40 min stationary bike 9/4 - 55 min stationary bike 9/5 - 60 min stationary bike 9/6 - 'rest' day cleaning house 9/7 - 70 min stationary bike, 180 min walking 9/8 - rest day 9/9 - 45 min stationary bike 1000 minutes to go!
  • I have similar issues with the good intentions that get derailed by temptation. I pretty much have to avoid, well, Pennsylvania. People who live there understand. Cheese steaks. Fresh pretzels. Tastykakes. It's a gauntlet. I throw in the Jersey Shore for good measure. But since it's inevitable that I will be in one of…
  • Missed out on the first 2 days, but... 9/3 - 40 min stationary bike 9/4 - 55 min stationary bike 9/5 - 60 min stationary bike 1285 min to go and maybe I can add a little diversity this weekend!
  • Napkins are a small offense. Wait til he want to surprise you and 'helps' with the laundry. And, while everything thing is in the dryer on hot, asks you if you wanted your favorite pink wool sweater washed.... He survived, but there's a limp to this day.
  • I no longer strip the minute I come in the door. YOU know what I'm talking about. For fit people, it's the shoes that come off. With those of us wealthier in the areas of flesh, well, it's nearly everything else. I have come in the door several times of late and ONLY kicked my shoes off. Heck, I've even made it all the way…
  • I feel good if I choose Hefeweizen over Stout because of the protein it supposedly contains. Good fat / bad fat. Meh. If you aren't free-basing lard, you're doing good. (Did I get that one right?) I haven't used the phone app because I've heard about the interesting observations it offers on your food choices. I like 'all…
  • A therapist would be able to give you pointers. I was told which type of brace I could use. Compression is enough in my instance - something as simple as leggings. But if you were to get the wrong advice here and follow it, you could exacerbate an already dicey situation. Do your research, go to the specialists, present…
  • Once you do add that meal, if you have it again you can go back to that date and copy it to the current date. That would save you some time. I'm one of those nuts who loves getting into the minutiae of things like that, so it's kind of a wonder I don't do it more often. ;)
  • You certainly did the right thing going to a physiotherapist! Those exercises have saved me a lot of pain. I even saved each sheet diagramming the exact exercises for my varied injuries to a handy file. I seem to like injuring myself. Hmmm. Spain with a bum calf. I believe this will call for some sangria, applied…
  • Ohhhhh...... I was looking for a loophole. Like exercising 'free will' or 'self-control' for 24 hours, since I'm good at those. (Okay - free will, anyway.) And darn Yoda. "There is no try. Only do. Or do not." He's always there, taunting me. Why'd I have to be a GEEK? Okay.... IN!
  • I'm 5'8". LW at 22 was 115. I was so messed up in my head. HW at 44 was 260? Still amazing to me. Not looking back now. Aiming for a nice healthy 150, hopefully before I turn 47. If it takes a wee bit longer, so be it. Just as long as I'm doing it right this time.
  • My love for the Kayano knows no bounds!
  • Firefly. I'd like to get my hands on the gorram reaver that cancelled it. That show was shiny!
  • I haven't worked for a while - I'm doing enough work at home for sure! - but when I was in my office job, I hated the, "Krispy Kreme's are in the kitchen" e-mails. Fortunately, I knew that if I waited it out for about 20 minutes, they'd all be gone. Dang, those things are good. Usually I'd only have to exercise enough self…
  • A threatening glare, pointed at the digital display.
  • There was a time when I could munch down an entire big bag of M&Ms in an evening. I try to limit my sugar now because, well, no self control!! So I keep fruit handy. If I get that evening sugar craving, I substitute the fruit. Nothing like going to bed without feeling guilty. ;) I also swapped drinking milk for unsweetened…
  • Very normal for digital scales. The only really spot-on-hand-to-god-accurate scales are the ones in doctor's offices, with the sliding weight on the bar. Those bad boys get calibrated. Ours....not so much. I am so OCD that I step on the darn thing 5 times and take the weight that is closest to the middle. (Yep - should…
  • I hear what you're saying. I used to be a 'great' dieter. I could strip myself down to my goal weight in no time by eating pretty much nothing. Horrible. It always backfired on me. Completely unsustainable. So this time around I am eating in such a way that I am not thinking, "I don't know how much longer I can take this"…
  • I love their corn dogs!