megamom Member


  • I am off blood pressure medication and my blood sugars are amazing. I haven't been sick all winter. I have one chin. I can see my feet. My shirt doesn't catch on my shelf in the back. My wrists are skinny. My edema in my legs in gone most days. I can run. I have energy to burn. I can do things I didn't think I would ever…
  • If you have a freecycle in your town, and most do, you can sign up and request some for nothing. I have seen treadmills, ellipticals, bikes, you name it. You can also request exercise tapes, the best way to get them in my opinion.
  • I find your body improves pretty rapidly with exercise, what was enough last week may not, probably isn't enough in fact this week. When I started riding a bike again after years I was happy I made 5 miles, by the next week 11 wasn't long enough, now sometimes 40 seems to short if it is a nice day. Same with other forms of…
  • I have been watching Heavy lately and they are all on a 1200 to 1400 calorie diet and working out around 4 to 5 a day. No eating back their exercise calories and they don't seem to worry about starvation mode. Why is that? Is it because they have so much to lose?
  • I love tea but find many store brands are awful. Try some loose leaf types and brew them correctly. I love They have some wonderful teas in every income level plus they have video's telling you about the tea and how it should be brewed. Lots of education on the site and a tea lover's…
  • I have to ditto on the Sumo squats and sumo bounces, ouch but they work.
  • I like the green monsters. For mine I take 1 cup almond milk, no sugar vanilla 1 1/2 cup raw spinach small handful frozen blueberries 3 frozen strawberries 1 banana 1 tbsp cinnamon. Blend all together and yummy.
  • I had a patient that had really big gall stones taken out. As I was showing them to her she said, it doesn't matter, no matter how big they were my aunt will say her's were bigger. I went out to the lot and picked up some really big rocks and put them in a specimen container which I labeled with the patients name and we…
  • I am lucky that I have not found a veggie I hate yet but here are some ideas. Maybe you just hate them the same ole way you have always had them, try roasting them, stir frying them, shredding them on top of a sandwich, blending spinach in with your smoothie, hiding them in a meatloaf, eating them raw, experiment with…
  • Youtube. It has everything about every exercise.
  • Love my fruit and eat at least 3 or more a day, Right now it is grapefruit season, yummy.
  • I agree on the nutritionist, they can be a big help. Try things like cherries, either dried or fresh, blueberries, a green monster for breakfast, green and white tea. Along with the recommendations from the dietitian. Sometimes protein is hard to take with chemo, it will make you nauseated. Also try yogurts. All good power…
  • I was told you have to have a least 120 for maintaining a healthy brain, which at my age trust me, it's a goal. Also fast burning carbs should be had occasionally but slow burning carbs are good to keep you full. Fruit are fast burning, oh but taste so good. I stay around 90 to 170 and try to never go above 200, don't…
  • All you can do is make good choices every day or as often as you can and exercise. If you do this, make good choices the rest falls into place. For some faster then others but it will happen. Eventually the scale will be your friend.
  • I am an RN on a busy Cardiac floor. And a ex antique and collectible dealer.
  • Yes, Iowa, best loose meats in the world
  • Coffee, meat and beer in that order.
  • King corn is another good movie, makes you think. Support your local farmers market.
  • Tea's, white, black and green spinach blueberries, strawberries and banana's eggs sardines peanut butter hummus special K multigrain crackers chicken popcorn, lite cinnamon almonds skinny cow ice cream brown rice, sweet potatoes almond milk chia seeds
  • Leslie's 5 mile walk is great. Start off at one mile and work your way up. I started with Leslie, still do her tapes and eventually joined the gym where I work out with weights and do the treadmill. Since I have bad knees I can't do the stair stepper or elliptical but it gets easier and easier. I bike all spring and…
  • I went to my doc and asked for some PT so I could learn exercises specific for my knees. I can use the treadmill but not the elliptical, can't use the stair stepper often either as that aggravates my knees to to end, but I walk and do weights and use my bike. Water aerobics is great for bad knees. Good luck, it is a…
  • So sorry for your loss. I work in a hospital as a nurse and every single day I see what happens because of obesity. The long term effects are devastating. You are so right. There is so much more at stake then looking good for your swimsuit or a wedding. It's staying fit and healthy for life. Welcome. I don't know why it…
  • Welcome Emily, I am also a nurse for the last 30 years so am very familiar with the take a bite and run eating habits of nurses. Plus I work the night shift so no cafeteria with healthier options. But I bring my own healthy food and no money so can't hit the vending machines and walk a ton. It can be done. Best of luck to…
  • Well it is a myth that they will firm you up and lift your butt but if they feel good go for it. I like mine because they are spongy feeling and making working a 12.5 hour shift easier on this ole bod.
  • I was hungry a lot at first because I had a big problem with portion control, I never ever felt full. But it gets easier and easier and finally you get used to eating a normal portion of food. Also I agree, cherrios fill me up now but would never have worked for me in the beginning.
  • My favorite gift was a bottle of Dom Perignon 2000. I have always said I before I die I want to drink a glass of this. Now to find the perfect time. Maybe if, no.... when I hit goal.
  • I wonder if you could use almond vanilla milk to cut even more of the calories down? Sounds yummy.
  • Coupons coupons coupons, I buy when on sale, buy fresh and in season, and bulk and split costs with family members to cut down on costs. In the summer go to the farmers market half hour before the close and barter for lower costs, they don't want to haul it back home. Stay away from the middle isle.
  • Welcome to a great site and I want to say thanks also for all you do. I am sure the men will find you, check out the fitness topics and make sure and eat very healthy.
  • Welcome to MFP. I am sure tips and support will be found all over this great site. Just log every single bite you take and start moving. It works.