

  • I'm curious, you mention english muffins for breakfast. Do you suggest a certain brand that is healthier than another. I love english muffin's but find that the kind I love so much are not so great for you :( Sorry I this wasn't an answer for you!
  • If you can only buy one or limit yourself to one they are generally a nice tide over until your next meal. I feel like it sucks to have to wait 30 minutes so that my appetite has subsided when all i want to do is eat 6 of those little bags...
  • After working at a chiropractor for many months and having had my first child for myself I was surprised to find the amount of pregnant women and mothers who relied on the treatments a chiropractor could provide. At this time I learned that it takes at least 12 months for your hips to set back into or close to their…
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