Rocinante314 Member


  • Welcome! This is a great site, and helps me a lot. I keep it kind of simple, exercise, and try to stay under on the calories. I have been doing this for 2 weeks now, and feel so much better!!! The nice thing is there is no limit to the coffee I can drink........ :D
  • Welcome!!! I had 4 kiddoes when I was younger.......and I cooked every meal. I got really fat in my 30's. I like this app as it makes me motivated to keep within the calories, and if not, makes me do sit ups and pushups to stay within. That is how it works for me. There is a bunch of people here that have so much pro…
  • Glad you joined. One day at a time, and just treat yourself as you would treat a loved one.
  • With exercise, the brain produces all that stuff that helps with depression. I am getting better after only 3 days, but yea I still stare at the walls and screen. Love your life! No matter what! It is only a short time....look past society, and look at the stars and universe....When you wake, you have everything you need.…
  • Remember it is for will be awkward at first but that will fade quick!
  • Welcome Lynn, I am an IT guy that sits all day too. Slowly but surely. The back pain will get better with weight loss somewhat....depending. 10 years ago I had herniated 6th cervical in neck, could not move. Ate pills for a couple of years, then started working out slooooowly and carefully. It took me 6 months before I…
  • Welcome! I am day 3 into this and am motivated to do situps and pushups as I work from home, but a kind person told me I do need a food plan. I am about to make one of those. Never give up. There are many helpful people here!!!
  • Thanks! I will plan. I can do planning!
  • What are good foods or drinks (natural) that will actually curb your appetite? Is there such a think? I don't crave or even like sweet stuff much, but I love salty fatty meaty stuff. Sometimes I think when I am bored I just eat something heavy to make me like a food high....kind of sleepy. I want to break that. Any…
  • Ok, so I only can eat 500 calories the rest of the day as I had 2 breakfast burritos before I posted. I know starving myself wont work, so I will try salad later tonight. Meanwhile, is it good to drink water instead. I just need to get my mind off food when I am restless and board!!!!
  • Stress is hard, and I am not sure what to say on eating, dieting, and stress. I live a pretty stress free life (Kids are grown :smile: ) I think the stress is something to address first. Love yourself even if you let yourself eat for fun. My struggle is eating out of boredom, and my job is in front of a computer. Practice…