sijomial Member


  • 1900 is an estimation that's calculated based on your stats using a well known formula based on studies. 1200 or 1500 is a complete guess. Go with the calculation! At least trial it for about a month and then you will have a far clearer picture.
  • It's still a small number (compared to the large numbers required to gain weight) so no, you don't need to adjust for it. Simply adjusting based on your weight trend works fine. Everything is an estimate and some of those estimates may well cancel out the thermic effect of digesting protein.
  • You have had some really good contributions. I'd just like to add that it really isn't compulsory to shoot for an everyday deficit, maybe especially when nibbling away the last few pounds. I find an erratic deficit with many days at or around maintenance far easier to sustain and also have higher energy levels for my…
  • "I'm conscious of the fact that there will come a point where I can't keep adding weight on to my workouts so what comes next in order to reach my goal?" You change your program from Stronglifts to something that suits your goals and capabilities, it's not intended you do a linear progression beginner program forever.
  • Vast majority of my cardio is road cycling, some mountain biking, some indoor bike training when weather forces me indoors or I want to do a performance test. Highly variable volume as you can see from my training calendar, tend to do a couple of century rides a year and one or two 100km rides a month.
  • Calorie deficit if you want to lose weight. Exercise if you want to be healthy and fit. If you are just asking should you exercise while losing weight (it's not clear) then answer is still yes but exercise has a very, very broad spectrum. Maybe give a bit more context about yourself and your situation?
  • Well done.
  • To a large degree it depends on what your workout actually is (different training modes have different needs) and if you are going into it very depleted and not just depleted to a very small degree from your overnight fast. (i.e. someone with an ongoing large calorie deficit is going to struggle more than someone eating at…
  • I'm not as extreme as you but early morning exercise is the worst time for me, I can (and sometimes do) make myself exercise early but I don't enjoy it as much and simply don't perform as well. Back and knees don't work well first thing either (old injuries) - just lifting my 2 YO granddaughter out of her cot and carrying…
  • I'm 5'9" - 62 YO, been working out for years, very active and I'm 166lbs - don't have a flabby belly. Flat stomach, two pack might be a reasonable description, if I wanted a six pack I would have to lose more but that doesn't interest me. Suggest you lose a bit more weight, your Doctor has probably given you good advice.…
  • You do realise that the adjustment from Fitbit isn't just your exercise but also that's day's general activity?
  • Yes your calories will be affected if your exercise intensity is reduced. But if your cardio is achieving the same performance in terms of distance / time / power output (depending on what your cardio is) then the calories will be the same. Remember that heartbeats are not a measurement of energy. I was on BB for a while…
  • Depends on what your "niggly knee issues" are but I'd put my $5 bet on a heavy person running would be more likely to aggravate them than rowing (no impact). My knee issues mean that running one mile running creates more soreness than 100 miles of cycling and is likely more harmful to my damaged knees too but knee injuries…
  • Yes a month is a decent time period to re-evaluate your calories. And yes, it does sound like you should be adjusting calories upwards. You really don't want to be losing at 3lbs / week. If that weight loss has been fairly even over the last four weeks you are way under calories. "So I am taking in 1700-2000 calories when…
  • All you need to lose weight is a sustained calorie deficit over time and at your weight 1300 is definitely a substantial deficit. Sustainability over an extended period of time is the key and picking a low calorie allowance doesn't help with that, put a lot of thought into your calorie goal. There's a big trade off in…
  • FYI - the activity levels have different descriptions depending if you are looking via the app or via the browser version. FYI 2 - heartrate is a dreadful metric for both walking and lifting. Yes you may get a number from a tracker but it's not really based on something that has a good correlation to calories. Walking is…
  • Both answers can be correct for different situations. Personally I make a distinction between recovery and rest (although of course they have a close relationship). Rest is very rare for me and reserved for situations where a long and hard training block has left me feeling drained and in need of whole body rest. That…
  • It might help if you told people about yourself and why you want to do carb cycling and what you are expecting to benefit from it.
  • "I still wish there was a formula or device that could measure or calculate the calorie burn to a closer degree." There really isn't a good way to measure energy from the activity you describe. Steps doesn't work well with your lifting and heartrate would be a very poor metric for general working activity. Fitness trackers…
  • For most people it's an irrelevance and an unnecessary complication. (if someone is following a very low carb diet benefits may be greater compared to someone following a "normal" diet.) You have far bigger carb stores compared to the relatively small calorie burn from strength training and even a hard workout isn't going…
  • Tearing a medial ligament shouldn't stop you from cycling so you can do as much cardio as you desire on a bike unless it's completely severed the ligament (a grade 3 tear) as there's no side to side or twisting forces involved but check with your physio (after your scan?) and if you get cleared to cycle make sure your…
  • Lost about 3lbs during my recent bout of COVID. Managed to stay very active doing chores around the house and garden as I didn't generally feel too terrible. On the other hand my usual high volume exercise routine was suspended. High fever for several days must have been an elevated calorie burn. Probably most significant…
  • Just set an appropriate average activity level in your goal set up. e.g. When I retired from a desk job and had more time and opportunity to do all the things you mention I changed my activity level up a level to compensate for my increased calorie burns from being more active.
  • EPOC is a real thing but your numbers are extraordinary! What was your workout? How is your app estimating calories from the workout and post exercise? Here's an excerpt that might give you an idea of the general insignicance of EPOC.... "In one study, subjects who exercised for 80 minutes at 70% VO2 max (about 80% of…
  • The bolded sections are completely and utterly wrong! Where on earth do you get these ideas? You really must change your sources of information as they are sending you down wrong paths. Using your muscles, cardio or weights or even a physical job is what preserves and potentially grows your muscles. You must have seen…
  • Think I might have worked out where you are going wrong - you must be looking at the BMR number which is NOT maintenance calories. BMR is just what you would burn at total rest and completely fasted all day - it's even lower than someone in a coma but being fed! e.g. My BMR is 1,552 but my maintenance level for a day…
  • I am over 40 and my metabolism has slowed down. Does that mean you have had a series of resting metabolism tests? If so what were the numbers that you are basing that statement on? I actual think it has stopped. Dead people don't tend to be able to post on MyFitnessPal.... My goal is to drop 10 pounds in 3 weeks. Why such…
  • Peanut butter is primarily a source of fat, not protein. Calorie wise it's a poor choice for protein and calorie restriction / weight loss. That's not to say you can't fit some PB into your overall diet of course as it's your entire diet that determines your calorie balance. You should be weighing in grams how much you are…
  • That sounds highly unlikely for a young woman TBH. You would have to be tiny (so small you wouldn't have weight to lose) and completely sedentary and doing no exercise (which you are). Try putting your stats into this calculator - (Unlike MFP choose an activity level that includes your…