wmd1979 Member

  • Re: Keto diet= good or bad

    It always cracks me up when people post something about how confused our bodies get by certain deviations in eating or behavior. When it comes to the processes in our body, there is no thinking invol…
  • Re: Processed foods cause more weight gain

    You aren't talking science Gale, in fact most of what you post defies what science has proven. Here are the facts: CICO is what determines weight loss, gain, or maintenance. Where those calories come…
  • Re: Processed foods cause more weight gain

    It must suck having to completely exclude so many delicious foods from your life because of paranoia and fear. If the roundup doesn't give you cancer, we will all most certainly become obese, and be …
  • Re: Keto is amazing

    I understand that OP is excited that he found something that works for him, but I also think its a bit premature to call something magic after 11 pounds. I think its way too early to know whether or …
  • Re: How many more calories

    The bolded is not true at all. There are examples of athletes who would be considered outliers by BMI, but they are still by far in the minority. Even then, most outliers would be in the overweight c…