wmd1979 Member

  • Re: How many more calories

    The bolded is not true at all. There are examples of athletes who would be considered outliers by BMI, but they are still by far in the minority. Even then, most outliers would be in the overweight c…
  • Re: Keto is amazing

    Exactly this. There is no way I would give up pizza for no reason. Carbs are great for fueling workouts and they make me happy. I couldn't be happy eating on a diet as restrictive as keto especially …
  • Re: Keto is amazing

    Good point. He clearly can't do keto anymore because its "magic" and he will continue to lose weight no matter how much he eats.
  • Re: Control Sugar Intake

    I didn't see anyone advocating for eating lots of sugar, people merely pointed out that sugar is not the devil that the documentary makes it out to be. Focusing on sugar alone sets the OP up to fail …
  • Re: Processed foods cause more weight gain

    Oh, so it is all the foods fault, and individuals bear no responsibility whatsoever in their obesity? Thats good to know. I had no idea that there was no such thing as processed foods in the past and…