100df Member

  • Re: My 600 Pound Life

    This show is why I am here counting calories. I wasn't anywhere near 600 lbs but think I could eat enough to get there. I was scared I'd have a car accident or something happening where I couldn't ge…
  • Re: My 600 Pound Life

    Tough love is overrated. Kicking people when they are down rarely has a good effect.
  • Re: Cheat day..yes or no?

    I don't call it cheating but there are meals that I eat over my calorie allowance. Usually planned but sometimes not. I can't do that all day though because it wipes out my deficit. I like to save ca…
  • Re: Sweetener - Good or Bad?

    I have been assured by cancer doctors numerous times that diet coke (artificial sweetners) does not cause cancer. In terms of good or bad, limiting how much diet coke I consume makes it easier to sta…
  • Re: Arm lift surgery after 75 pounds lost!

    There's no "semantics" issue if you read the informed consent form that's required when you have surgery. Along with what the surgeon tells you, the consent form makes it clear what the sur…