T1DCarnivoreRunner Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I don't think that is it. It looks like he is cutting this piece of metal and didn't have a bench to set it on while he cut it, so opted to set it down on top of this propane cabinet. I don't think i…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Nah, welders don't need masks... That's just big government forcing people to stay alive and not injured! (sarcasm) ETA: I realize this guy is cutting, not welding... still probably should be wearing…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Yes, keto is a great idea. Or you could do what I've done and go keto carnivore. If you only eat animals, then it should be gluten free. You only have to be careful to avoid heavily processed meats t…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Similar here (west TN)... I haven't heard anything about appointments, but went to the local Walgreens around 6p yesterday and was able to get a flu shot with little wait. I didn't even think about a…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Agreed. I keep hearing this and all I can think is that it must be just conspiracy theories. Every time I hear this, I ask for them to name someone who has died and their cause of death was incorrect…