AnnPT77 Member

  • Re: Help! I am not losing weight.

    Was the exercise new? Do you still have monthly cycles? (Rhetorical questions: You don't need to answer in print.) It's common to see a water weight increase when starting new exercise (or increasing…
  • Re: Rapid Weight Gain

    I agree that most of it is water retention and food in the body-pipes on its way to the toilet. For 3 pounds to be fat, you'd have to have eaten roughly 10,500 calories above your current weight-main…
  • Re: How long have you hung on to your oversized clothes?

    Generally, I got rid of the oversized dress or "business casual" clothes and structured things (like jeans) after a few months into maintenance. (I kept a few sentimental items, or some who…
  • Re: Weight loss and menopause

    I lost about 50 pounds in a bit less than a year, when I'd been in menopause for nearly 15 years. (There are quite a few women here who lost weight in menopause; I assume some will comment.) I'm also…
  • Re: Net carbs to carbs

    MFP tracks carbs (not net carbs) by default. In premium MFP, there's a setting that changes things so that it tracks net carbs (not total carbs). If you see net carbs, I'm thinking you must have prem…