Bry_Fitness70 Member

  • Re: Fit in your 40's (with Pics)

    I absolutely hate the defeatism of people in regard to age. So many people just throw in the towel in their late 30s - 40s and just resign themselves to physical irrelevancy, it is tragic. I am in be…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    On the bright side, this pandemic has been excellent for self-discovery, in understanding 1) how self-sufficient you are, 2) how high maintenance you are, and 3) how bored you are with yourself. I do…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    People mistake defiance for freedom and strength. In the case of pushing back against the rules established to keep vulnerable people safe, defiance is just reckless.
  • Re: Covid-19 (not virus, but #)

    I went from working half the time at home to full time, so it wasn't a drastic change. I have done everything I possibly can to make this period "business as usual." I eat the same amount o…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I see a ridiculous amount of posts on fitness sites about people angry about not being able to swap sweat at the gym temporarily. Where is the disconnect from reality at this point?? Defiance of soci…