Cherimoose Member

  • Re: Please, my Friends, don't lecture me

    Congrats on the weight loss. Has a doctor tested your thyroid function? Low function and can increase hunger and reduce activity. It's fairly common with women.
  • Re: Arms

    That's probably where your body stores fat. Fat takes up more space than muscle, and women usually don't have big muscles when they're lean, so you probably just need to reduce your body fat. As trai…
  • Re: What Was Your Work Out Today?

    Did my usual workout today. Average workout, no personal records. - 37 mile run - 942 pull-ups - 8 mile swim in the ocean - Wrestled crocodile in the Everglades Just checking if anyone reads these B)
  • Re: Quick question

    It could be.. or it could be one of 20 other things, including a serious heart problem. Chest pain is always considered a medical emergency until proven otherwise.
  • Re: Joint Discomfort

    It could be one of a dozen different things, each with a different treatment. Best thing to do is avoid painful activity and see a doctor for advice. Following generic internet advice could make it w…