Ddsb11 Member

  • Re: To Keto or Not To Keto?

    What I liked about Atkins when I did it for that 10 years was I felt like I didn't have to starve myself to lose weight. That's what hooked me for so long. Well, that and the fear of carbs at the tim…
  • Re: Dopamine Fasting

    This. The more I read about the theory, it really seems like a trendy name slapped onto the philosophy of mindfulness, mixed with fast rules to break bad habits like escapism. He just Type A’d it. Wh…
  • Re: Dopamine Fasting

    This guys routine wouldn’t be for me, it’s quite structured. But, in bold, I don’t think that’s what he meant (I could be wrong). I think he is saying he is prioritizing it, as something that’s impor…
  • Re: Dopamine Fasting

    Maybe that’s what they’re missing- the why. Doing it for dopamine control doesn’t seem like a big enough reason to change your entire life, especially considering there might be holes in that theory.…
  • Re: Dopamine Fasting

    Right, how is sleeping in stimulating? Hey, he was just telling his story, what can you do? 🙂 For me, I practice Buddhism, and mediation is essential, so this theory isn’t that much of a stretch for …