JBanx256 Member

  • Re: Pregnant and anxious

    That's assuming one is at a healthy/appropriate weight to begin with. A woman who is significantly underweight may be encouraged to gain > 35 and a woman who is significantly overweight may not ne…
  • Re: Counting calories so insane !

    Yes, you mentioned it & someone pointed out that your statement was incorrect. Raw veggies are great but they are absolutely NOT "negative calories."
  • Re: Over training/over eating?

    3 points, in order above: Sorry, but you burning that many calories in a lifting session is EXTREMELY unlikely. This may be useful in getting a more accurate estimate: https://www.strongerbyscience.c…
  • Re: Scheduling

    I'm a police officer on patrol, working > 12 hour rotating shifts. By policy, we are given a lunch break, but people don't stop wrecking their cars or beating their spouses or shoplifting from Wal…
  • Re: Is it unwise to try and lose more weight at the beginning?

    I realize this (study linked below) isn't EXACTLY what you're asking, but I believe there are some nuggets of wisdom to be gleaned here: Efficacy of progressive versus severe energy restriction on bo…