KalesBagel Member

  • Can't lose to save my life

    I'm 6 months postpartum and no, I'm not breastfeeding. My body doesn't produce. I've been doing low carb and calorie counting and I have been gaining weight steadily. I started 3 months ago at 231 an…
  • Today sucks

    So we've (me and my boyfriend) been doing P90x and dieting for like a month now and I measured myself today, gained 2 inches on waist and gained an inch on thigh and lost nothing on arms. Gained 1 lb…
  • Re: Child nutrition in 2018

    I'm going to be honest, I have compromised as much as I can. I have another daughters health to worry about and I can't compromise so much that I'm feeding them both healthy every once in awhile. She…
  • Re: Child nutrition in 2018

    That's exactly my issue. I have the girls from 6pm Sunday until the next Sunday and they will starve themselves until about Wednesday (absolutely gorge themselves) and then they'll starve again for t…
  • Child nutrition in 2018

    Is it just me or is teaching children moderation becoming increasingly hard? I definitely don't withhold popsicles or the occasional snack cake from my children, but it seems like there's no outer su…