Lietchi Member

  • Re: Help!! Calories Goal too high??

    Huge math error for fat: they multiplied 89.8gr of fat by 4 instead of 9 to calculate the calories. It's 808 calories instead of 359. Which makes the total calorie intake incorrect as well.
  • Re: Help!! Calories Goal too high??

    FYI: this is a part of MFP I've always hated because so many people get confused about it: your fitness goals have zero influence on your calorie, they aren't taken into account at all. Only exercise…
  • Re: Pairing

    You sync your fitness tracker with your MFP account, not with a specific device on which you use MFP (I'm presuming you're using the same MFP account on your iPad and iPhone).
  • Re: Not getting this app

    The question is: have you gone through the goal set-up, entering your personals stats and choosing an activity level and weight loss rate? If you have: aim for the calorie goal (within 50 calories or…
  • Re: Not able to loose weight ?

    Three days: is that how long you've been at your current routine? If so, you need a LOT more patience. At least one, preferably two months (or menstrual cycles, if applicable). Our weight is made up …