Lildarlinz Member

  • Re: For the women: Boobs

    Miss maltedtea! I wish I had much much much muucccchhhhhh smaller boobies! But Jesus blessed me very well 🤣🙈 I know a lot of ladies would say oh I wish I had big boobs like you Trust me…these have ca…
  • Re: Exercise and maintaining

    Thank you :) I will have a look at them on YouTube :D
  • Re: Anyone help?

    Thank you maxxitt So should I not pay much attention to the macros, just so the calorie counting as long as I have between 50-150g of carbs a day I’ll lose the belly flab? :D xx
  • Belly fat

    Okay guys so I know when in a calorie deficit you can’t target a certain area...but if I’m reducing my calories will my belly fat come off a little bit? I literally have what I call a hanging basket …
  • Re: Weight and period (ladies)

    Thank you!! I haven’t lost not one little 1/2 or a lb or nothing! And this week I know it’s really naughty but I have hardly eaten but that is due to my work.And the heat has been horrible and I just…