Lynne4RH Member

  • Re: 60 yrs and up

    Good morning, and hope everyone is well enough. It has been awhile since I posted. I have been feeling "stuck" for a long time. However, I am motivated to change and so I logged into MFP fo…
  • Re: 60 yrs and up

    Hello everyone! Hope everyone is well...........where did the time go?
  • Re: 60 yrs and up

    Good morning, MFPers! It is supposed to be cloudy and 60s today in Southern MD. However, I get to see this lil ray of sunshine a bit later this afternoon. I call her "Happy" because normall…
  • Re: 60 yrs and up

    Good morning, raining in Southern Maryland today. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed about "exercise" and shutting down because of everything I wanted to do but can't due to physical restricti…
  • Re: 60 yrs and up

    "When I do want to do something I feel no energy to do it, so it's a viscous cycle. I do have plenty to do at home." Hi there, read your post and my heart goes out to you, because I found m…