PAV8888 Member

  • Re: If you're skinny fat, cut or bulk?

    skinny fat, as astutely mentioned, has a definition, a person who is normal weight yet metabolically obese. only some of the people who label themselves such turn out to actually be both normal weigh…
  • Re: To Eat or Not To Eat

    I don't know if your sodium restriction is hard medical or preference Depending on your calories you may or may not need protein to be as high as 35% Many gas stations have single serve soups. Have y…
  • Re: Hungry all the time

    Err... also.... looking at screen name.... hmmm.... certain "medicinal herbs" ARE known to induce "the munchies". If your name implies use of such herbs... well... that may explai…
  • Re: Protein amounts

    I personally worry about meeting my caloric goals and achieving my protein and fiber minimums. The rest can fall where it may assuming I don't fall too low or too high when it comes to fats.
  • Re: Calories are frustrating me!

    Most university students are active. from walking from class to class. and to school. and the library. I suppose a small city college campus may reduce this to lightly active. Maybe.