Revolu7 Member

  • Re: Say it here...

    Lol....its been a long time since I've really put much thought into internet strangers. I pretty much say nice things to those i dont find irritating, and say nothing to those that i do.....or those …
  • Re: Say it here...

    You may not be getting it done in the gym....but your filter game is on point. So i guess thats something
  • Re: What's on your mind?

    Im up in Saratoga NY for work. Apparently its a hot spot to watch the eclipse....lors of people here today. Any of you MFPrs up here? First drink is on me....😁
  • Re: What's on your mind?

    I went to a birthday party yesterday and was told by someone i know only as an acquaintance that people really are bothered by me. I asked why is this, and if so why was i invited? I was okay with th…
  • Re: Reason to smile today

    Closing on the sale of a house today. Always a very satisfying feeling to end the process of buying a house in total disrepair, fully renovating it, turning it into a nice home for someone, and makin…