Vetticus_3 Member

  • Re: Diet pills!

    This is just my opinion... A lot of people have criticized diet pills because once you stop taking them the weight comes back on. So they take the pills again. These people are criticised. But... A l…
  • horrible 2 weeks - a bit of a rant.

    Hi, This is just a rant on my body being a giiinoooor-moose pain in the butt. Quickly: I've lost nearly 14kg. It's been slow and steady. I weigh everyday and chart it with a 3 day moving average, and…
  • Re: Bad Knees

    Rowing is awesome ... if it's done properly. Everyone at my gym doesn't row properly... and they hate it. (Well, of course you hate it... if you were on water, you'd sink). When done properly - there…
  • Re: Obesity Paradox: Health benefits to being overweight?

    Things to remember: A max BMI of 27 used to be considered in the healthy weight range - it was lowered to 25 in the 90s. The chart was used by insurance companies to divide up their policy holders an…