Zoomie402 Member

  • Re: Insurance incentives?

    I wish my company had incentives. I work in healthcare, and the place I work for is owned by a large insurance company. You'd think it would be in their best interest to have healthy employees. As it…
  • Re: Toxicity in cleaning products?

    I steer clear of the harsher things only because both of my kids have asthma and my son really seems to flare up when he gets a whiff of the fumes. At 16 and 12, my kids are old enough to help with c…
  • Re: Serious/heavy/deep/real stuff

    I had a mini break down yesterday morning. Thankfully I was able to call my bestie who reassured me that I am not alone and that simple tasks for moms tend to get shoved aside. For me, it was a lack …
  • Re: Blood work is telling!

    Finding someone who will actively listen to what you are telling them in so important. I know that hopeful feeling. As soon as my labs came back it was validating. Getting a plan in place was a great…
  • Re: Blood work is telling!

    Thank you. I am hoping so as well. In the short term, I am day 5 into my food overhaul. I have weaned off coffee which is the one thing I was sad to give up, but everything else has been pretty good.…