ata1anta Member

  • Re: Working out in the Morning vs. Night

    I work out before work. There is a gym in the building so I take advantage of it. My commute is over an hour each way, so I've usually had my first coffee by the time I get there.
  • Re: 300+ Ladies

    Oh, don't start out doing anything too crazy. My first thing was limiting snacking. It was really hard at first because the afternoon snack on the long drive home was more habit than hunger (and a wh…
  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    I went to the mall to buy "riding" boots yesterday. I managed to squish one foot in a boot, the other wasn't happening. How is this an NSV? Even though the boots were too small, they were N…
  • Re: Walk to Mordor

    Did my virtual 5k yesterday morning, have a 10k turkey trot coming up. Still plodding along. 21.32 miles down, 1910.68 to go.
  • Re: 300+ Ladies

    I know what you mean. I started WW at 318 (started attending meetings at 305 so that is my official start weight). I've lost 80 so far (238 - it's weird to type that :wink: ) and have had my ups and …