avskk Member

  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    I meant to go for a mild walk with my friend this evening because I'd missed the gym; instead we somehow ended up doing a full 5K. Every time she asked, "Want to wrap it up or keep going?" …
  • Re: lunch

    Turkey wrap in flatbread, side of cottage cheese, veggies, and salsa? That's been my go-to lately and it's pretty tasty (not to mention high in protein and micronutrients). I do Flat-Out wraps, super…
  • Re: What We're Eating

    Super hungry day, for some reason! Breakfast: fried ham, yeasted waffles with yogurt butter and raspberry preserves, coffee. Lunch: roast beef & cheddar on a ciabatta roll; raw broccoli, cauliflo…
  • Re: What We're Eating

    Breakfast: gas-station assembly (yogurt cup, Babybel, hard-boiled egg, apple, Kind bar), coffee. Lunch: completely undecided -- I desperately need to buy groceries! Maybe a TJ's aloo chat pouch and s…
  • Re: What do you eat for breakfast?

    I eat a lot of different breakfasts! My only rule is I have to focus on the two Ps: protein and produce. I like egg sandwiches with spinach and tomatoes, or cottage cheese with berries and toast, or …