barbiecat Member

  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR AUGUST 2020

    :) I wrote a tribute to my friend who died telling of how she encouraged me to dance and how it has changed my life and many other things about her. I sent it to the people on my email list who usual…
  • Re: 60 yrs and up

    B) much too hot for me today. Did walking before lunch and am now hiding in the air conditioned house. Our heat pump is one of the best purchases we've ever made. Now I'm riding my exercise bike and …
  • Re: 60 yrs and up

    :) I participate in this thread and two others so I haven't felt alone even though I go almost no where and have had to give up my two weekly dance classes and my weekly exercise class. I feel so for…
  • WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JUNE 2020

    :) Some days I don't know what day it is or even what month it is, but I've built some enduring habits that keep me on track. :) One of the habits is checking in with this thread every day. That, alo…
  • Re: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JUNE 2020

    :) It is very difficult to refrain from making sweeping generalizations about a group when you have been upset by one member of the group. It is a never ending challenge for me. :) My quiet house is …