deannalfisher Member

  • Re: Only lose on 1200 calories?

    I’m 5’3” and using a TDEE with being active (workouts 5 days a week 60-90min and 8k steps a day on average) - I maintain on 2500cal Most doctors only get 3ish hours of nutrition training in med schoo…
  • Re: Getting full!!! Help

    I honestly don't understand this phenomenon - I ate 3200cal yesterday and was starving this morning quick calorie bombs - peanut butter, bagel w/ cream cheese, ice cream - there is nothing wrong with…
  • Re: Thyroid and loosing fat???

    trust me - my PCM focuses on holistic medicine and she wouldn't recommend me something *kitten* like this to use stuff like liver toxicity and the ability to test it is ridiculous - if your liver is …