exhilen Member

  • Re: urgent snacking help

    One thing that has helped me is to distribute the snacks into serving sizes. So I get something like a box of Cheez-it’s, I weigh out one serving and put it into baggies. It allowed me to actually vi…
  • Re: Comment here if you want more friends!!

    Wouldn’t mind some active friends after I switched accounts. It’s so quiet on my feed these days. I love weight lifting and running, gaming, and Disney.. just to list a few.
  • Re: venlafaxine/Effexor

    I ended up on Effexor for depression, and it was by far the worst time of my life. I would’ve rather had the depression at that point. It made me so sick that they ended up listing it as an allergy f…
  • Re: Planet Fitness?

    The Planet Fitness I belonged to did have their lunk alarm on, but no one really cared. Typically it went off if someone dropped weights. Can’t say I’ve ever seen it over grunting. OP, if you’re just…