folgers86 Member

  • Re: Lapband?

    Didn't work at all for a friend of mine. Apparently you can still cheat the system by eating things like ice cream. They wound up gaining weight. I also suspect they weren't mentally prepared for som…
  • Re: Exhausted from Exercise?

    Protein shakes are a great supplement. Premier Protein has 30g of protein at 160 calories for the premixed drinks and they're pretty easy to find (I can only vouch for the chocolate flavor). Not sure…
  • Re: 700-1000 calorie diet

    I've been on a medically supervised diet of less than 1000 calories. It's not very sustainable especially if you exercise and do a lot of cardio ( unless you've had gastric sleeve or something in whi…
  • Re: Exercising but not losing weight at all

    There's also the fact that the body adapts pretty quickly to repetitive exercise so you burn fewer calories as time goes on for the same rate/distance. So you're probably no longer burning the same a…
  • Re: How to eat 130 grams of protein a day?

    I was told by my nutritionist to eat a good quality protein bar (I like FitJoy) and protein shakes. And chicken. Lots and lots of chicken. My goal is 140g/day and I can make it. ETA: There have been …