jencnipps Member

  • Feeling (Somewhat) Validated

    I know there are so many excuses for gaining weight. I thought one of mine was "so many of my medications have weight gain as a side effect." Since none of my doctors ever addressed it, I t…
  • Re: I'm Back

    I've tried prelogging. Let's just say it didn't work. lol. What works is honestly fixing my plate and logging what is there. At least for the first couple weeks. Then I can start doing some preplanni…
  • Re: I'm Back

    Back when I was in high school, I was a member of this weight loss club that seemed to be into all the fad diets. They wanted you to keep a very detailed food log. If you missed a day, you had to pay…
  • I'm Back

    Hi. I'm Jen. I've been a member before and then gave up and quit. I'm back. I actually talked to my doctor and he recommended I keep a food log. Which I actually hate. But here I am.