kiela64 Member

  • Re: How do I convince my brain to lose weight?

    I read this post because I can strongly relate to the OP. I've lost weight before, and regained most of it. While I have all the reasons, thinking about it has just made me feel incredibly tired - an…
  • Re: What to expect from a Personal Trainer?

    I did sessions with a student trainer through my college gym. I constantly asked questions about how to do things, and I took notes. Part of the point was to be more active and work out during the we…
  • Re: Re-starting 🙃

    yeahhhh it was 😓 the loss of a routine & stress hit me hard. congratulations on restarting! And thank you! I reviewed my weight logs for the year this morning & had two surprises - one that I…
  • Re-starting 🙃

    Sooo did anyone else completely lose all their progress over covid or is it just me? 👀
  • Re: Low iron

    When I lost 45lbs a couple years ago over ~6months I was a little too aggressive, and low iron caused me to lose a lot of hair. My dr prescribed 300mg iron tablets daily with vitamin C. To counter th…