kimny72 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I was just hoping you could remove the other poster's linked name from your post while it was still editable so he wouldn't get a notification and come back to post something else. No worries.
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    @Gisel2015 if you get this in time, can you please untag the members in your last post? The posts were removed because they were against the terms of service, and there's no need to call that poster …
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Thanks yeah I'm not logically worried and I think the pause is an over abundance of caution. My inner hypochondriac will get a bit of a workout for the next week or two though lol. I'm glad I got the…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    So I ran a bit of a fever last night and felt generally achy. I woke up this morning and the fever is gone for now, but the news said the FDA is suggesting the US halt J&J because it's also seein…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    My SIL texted me that her neighbor had gone to the health dept vaccine clinic nearby for her appt and heard they had a couple of hundred extra J&J shots that they were accepting walk ins for. I p…