kimny72 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Yep. No matter how careful I am picking topics when I visit my parents, there is nothing that can't be tied into the conspiracy. And they will ask me questions about something they heard about the vi…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    To get that 25%, are you assuming the 459 people who tested positive were the only people at the event? If 5000 people were there, and let's say 90% of them were vaccinated, that's 4500 vaccinated pe…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    But you're using the whole state's percentage and assuming it's the rate for this one town's event and drawing a very specific conclusion. That's not how percentages or statistics work. Which is prob…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    The media focused on the case because it was dramatic and easy to make it sound scary. The CDC focused on it because it was an outlier and they wanted to understand it. The report says that 69% of th…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I was listening to TWIV and they feel confident that the FDA will give Pfizer full approval soon, hopefully by Labor Day. At that point, they expect military mandates as well as others which will jac…