kimny72 Member

  • Re: Late Night Binges....Can you help?

    How much weight do you have to lose and what is your weekly goal? Are you fitting in some treats and fave foods during the day at all? If you are being very aggressive with your plan this could be yo…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I was listening to an interview with the Surgeon General and he was asked about long covid. He said we do not know enough about it yet. But he said the data suggests that the more severe case of covi…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I don't know if there's a sciencey answer to that question, but I think it's typically used in this sort of classification as not a young adult but not a senior. Or sometimes with women I think it as…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Interesting, thanks. I've heard some researchers theorizing that long covid will turn out to be an autoimmune disorder based on the symptoms sounding so much like what patients trying to get a diagno…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I will say I am way more cognizant of strangers breathing on me now :lol: I never really liked crowded places and now I like them even less. I have been checking the CDC link I see was already posted…