liz0269 Member

  • Re: Snacking problem

    I didn't say I eat radishes all the time. You people really need to lighten up. My other go-to is a fudgesicle. 40 calories for the one with no added sugar. Chocolate is still a food group. Disclaime…
  • Re: Is it true

    This report was really interesting. Their bottom line was that there is insufficient evidence for the role of dietary fat levels and overall health. Their recommendations are based upon obesity preve…
  • Re: Acid reflux, Gerd, Barrett's esophagus.

    I feel like you're not hearing me. I didn't "find peace." I was actively doing what you are saying...the betaine HCL, probiotics, dietary changes, etc. It didn't work for me. It gave me Bar…
  • Re: Self conscious at the gym

    Let yourself be self conscious. It will pass eventually. The biggest thing that holds people back is the unwillingness to be an amateur.
  • Re: 2 hour walk

    I'm with you. I am lucky to live in a wooded area and I absolutely love being outdoors. I walk or ride my bike for over two hours on a regular basis. I used to buy into all of the "ooh...don't e…