mdreddie Member

  • Re: Maintainers Weekly Check In - March 2019

    Body stats: 5'7"; 124 lbs. Maintenance range: 120 to 125 lbs. Week 4 of March: 124 lbs.
  • Re: Lose 5lbs + in March 2019

    SW March: 133 lbs. CW: 124 lbs. Goal weight: 125 lbs. I am beyond words happy to exceed my weight loss goals. Thank you for keeping me motivated. Accountability is everything, y'all. o:)
  • Re: Breakfast

    My breakfast is pretty low calorie, comprised of a cup of coffee with or without a tablespoon of heavy cream. And I don't take my coffee with sugar, honey, or any of the other sweeteners, because I u…
  • Re: Breakfast

    I personally find heavy breakfasts makes some people feel lazier during the day (think of the post-Thanksgiving-dinner feeling). I much prefer to eat my main meal later in the afternoon or in the eve…
  • Re: Dad Bod..Men over 40 HELP

    My dad has a body like the musician Prince all his life. He practices a balanced eating style and eats only one main meal a day. The rest is coffee with a splash of cream and pieces of fruit to snack…