mitch16 Member

  • Re: 5'5 female wanting to gain 16kg

    You do realize that your desired gain will put you at a BMI of 27.5, right? Not saying that BMI is the end-all, be-all... but if you gain 16 kg "quickly" it will probably be more fat than m…
  • Re: Treadmill Tips

    Probably should have saved the money on the treadmill and invested instead in gear for running outside in the cold and dark. But since you didn't... You may not be able to run the solid 30 minutes at…
  • Re: Friends who don't exercise?

    I was totally there when I was in college--my campus was huge and I walked all of the time. Why would I need to work out? I, too, had many friends who hung out at the IM all of time. 22 years later a…