mylittlechocobo Member

  • Re: Cut, Recomp or Bulk?

    I did have a set of bands but over the years they got worn and snapped, can't say I dropped à fortune on them so to be expected I guess. Amazon won't deliver where I am but might be worth checking so…
  • Re: Cut, Recomp or Bulk?

    Agreed. While I do try to switch my program every 4-6weeks it's the nature of the beast that many exercise options are repeats. What I do is things like switch out standard push ups for a harder vari…
  • Re: Cut, Recomp or Bulk?

    My motivation is just that it's something difficult to achieve and I like the challenge of seeing how far I can push myself. I may ultimately decide it's not worth the cons but for now I feel pretty …
  • Re: Cut, Recomp or Bulk?

    Totally get that, I'll admit the picture is somewhat deceiving as I purposely found the right lighting and angle to properly show the ab definition. I also just generally carry the majority of any ex…