nossmf Member

  • Re: Protein

    Treat the MFP suggestion of protein as a minimum, not a maximum. Unless you have kidney issues, eating more protein is not going to hurt, and many times will help. It increases the sense of feeling f…
  • Re: Muscle Mass Building

    Muscle is slow to build, so you need to be in this for the long haul. Talking months and years, not days and weeks. Whatever your "stay at this same weight" balance of calories, add an addi…
  • Re: Can you keep it going asking ONLY QUESTIONS?

    Isn't that similar to how I heard they test a bridge's max load, by driving ever-heavier trucks across until one breaks the bridge, weigh the last one which passed, and then rebuild the bridge?
  • Re: What's more important when trying to gain weight

    Don't be confused, @nbg8nczyn6, be satisfied, because now you have a strong basis for knowing what your maintenance calories are. Now you add 250 calories on top of that for a slow, controlled gain o…
  • Re: 1600 calories a day

    First off, welcome, @brlopez26! Now, to answer your question: it's a useless question by itself, because it is incomplete; we know only half the equation. Consider the following real-life situation: …